Residential roof replacement in Granite Bay with Lucero’s Roofing

What To Expect During A Residential
Roof Replacement In Granite Bay

How To Prepare For A Roof Installation

A residential roof replacement in Granite Bay is excellent for providing a better-looking roof, more value for your home, and better protection for your family. But what happens during the roof installation? How should you prepare for contractors tearing off your roof and installing a new one?

At Lucero’s Roofing, we have the answers for you. We offer residential roof replacements, so our experience tells us that the most important things to do are communicate, prepare, and decide whether or not you can tolerate potential noise.

Should I Leave My House During My
Residential Roof Installation?

You shouldn’t have to leave your house for an extended period of time unless the roof replacement requires an installation process that leaves your roof open but tarped.

The good news is that removal and installation don’t take all that long. A smaller home with a less complex roof has a shorter installation process and may take just as little as one day. A larger home with a steeper or more complex roof could take three days.

The answer also depends on whether or not you are OK with noise.

During the roof removal and installation process, workers will walk around on your roof and use loud tools. The whole process might distract you, especially if you work from home. Noise-canceling headphones are an option. You could also head to a library, coffee shop, or somewhere more comfortable for a while.

If you have a small child at home who takes naps during the day, it might be a good idea to leave for the naps.

How Can I Prepare The Outside Of My Home
For Residential Roof Installation?

We will contact you a few days in advance about when materials like shingles will be delivered to your house. Shingles arrive on a pallet and take up some space, so if you park your vehicles in the driveway, you’ll likely have to move them for a little while.

Roof removal also typically requires either a dumpster or a dump truck. We’ll communicate with you regarding where we’ll place a dumpster and when it will arrive. The dumpsters or dump trucks give us a good spot to throw away old shingles and hardware.

You’ll also want to move a few outdoor items, including basketball hoops, gardening supplies or tools, and anything you wouldn’t want to risk damaging with roofing hardware. If you have a garden, consider covering it with a tarp to prevent any sharp hardware from falling in.

Finally, you should mow your lawn before the roof installation process begins. While we will scan your home’s exterior, including your lawn, for nails, the process is easier with shorter grass.

Remove Hanging Items From Interior Walls
During Residential Roof Replacement

Roof replacement can cause vibrations inside your home, which could cause wall decor to fall. If you have photos or decorations hanging with nails or adhesive, consider taking them down until the roof replacement process on your Placer County home is complete.

Be Prepared To Communicate During The Residential
Roof Replacement Process

It’s a good idea to provide several points of contact if we need to communicate with your family during the roof replacement process. You can also tell us what times of day are the best to call or text each person so we won’t inconvenience you and can keep our workflow running smoothly. If you aren’t going to be available, just let us know.

Call Lucero’s Roofing For Your Residential
Roof Replacement Needs In Granite Bay

At Lucero’s Roofing, we love to help homeowners with the roof replacement process. Our communication also stands out to ensure the process goes smoothly. Reach out to us for an in-person consultation by calling 916-983-8801 today.