Zero Sales Pressure | Folsom, CA Roofing | Lucero’s

You’ll Never Feel Sales Pressure
From Lucero’s Roofing

We’re Honest To A Fault

You expect a certain level of respect when you allow a Folsom, CA roofer to visit your home for a roof inspection.

After all, it’s YOUR home.

Unfortunately, many roofers have one goal in mind – closing the sale. You’re a lead. And the inspection is the final hurdle they must clear to add a customer.

So, roofers often apply pressure. And the more you resist? The more pressure-filled tactics they try.

If it sounds like an awful experience, it’s because it is.

But the good news?

There’s a better option – Lucero’s Roofing. We never use sales pressure. More than that, we’ll never overstay our welcome.

Instead, our consultations are simply an opportunity to educate and provide information so you can make an informed decision on the best way to move forward.

Your Consultation Begins With An Educational Inspection

So, what takes place during our consultation? Well, we’re not running directly to your roof. First, we talk to you. We get to know the issues you’re having and what your goals are.

Then, we can inspect your roof.

We document everything we find with VISUAL evidence. So, you don’t have to “take our word for it” if we say your roof needs repair or replacement – you can see for yourself.

Then, we show you our “roof in a box.” This isn’t a sales gimmick – it’s an educational tool.

Here’s how it works: we bring a box of roofing components so you can see and feel the material you have on your roof and the various options for replacement materials. We do this for all roofing components, including shingles, water shields, ventilation, and ridge caps.

We Care Enough To Tell You The Truth

Since our consultations are educational, there’s no sales pressure.

However, we’re always honest. We don’t just tell you what you want to hear to try and close a sale.

If your roof is in complete shambles, we’ll tell you – we won’t sugarcoat it. Otherwise, your roof could worsen, and you may have to spend even more in the long run.

This isn’t how it works with many roofers. If a roofer understands your budget is more limited, they may provide a quote with a more limited scope of work.

They may even suggest simply throwing new shingles over your existing roof.

They’ll tell you whatever you want to hear to close the sale. And that may seem nice and accommodating at first… until your roof fails prematurely, and you’re left to cover the damages.

We won’t do that – we’ll turn away a job before we put in less than our best effort.

We Know When To Stay, And We Know When To Leave

Before we leave, we answer all your remaining questions or concerns.

We never overstay our welcome, but we’ll stay as long as necessary to ensure you have all the information you want and need.

And ultimately, we’ll discuss your quote.

Your quote will be detailed and accurate – the price we give almost certainly won’t change after the roofing project begins. If we’re on the same page, we can discuss the next steps and provide a project timeline.

However, if you feel that we’re not the right choice for you, that’s fine as well. We know when to leave.

We will, of course, work with you to try and find the right solution – it’s not a “pass or fail” situation.

But if we’re far apart and you’re simply not interested, we will try to steer you in the right direction – even if that means we’re not involved with your roofing solution.

Are you searching for a Folsom, CA roofing company that doesn’t use sales pressure? If so, contact Lucero’s Roofing today for a free and accurate quote.